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Last year the cadets really enjoyed the Six Flags trip better than a Halloween party, so we are offering it again this year. We have gotten a group rate price for Saturday Sept. 27, 2003. If you have paid your Booster club dues you can purchase your ticket half price and if you have sold 5 of the Entertainment Books you receive a free ticket. The cadets will need to provide their own transportation and pay for parking and food. Parking is $10.00 value parking and $12.00 premium parking. Park hours are 10:00 am - 8:00 PM. You may want to plan ahead and car pool and meet at the front gates. Chaperons are limited and the cadets will tour the park with out constant adult supervision. Family and friends are welcome to purchase tickets at the group rate price. All permission slips and money are due by Monday Sept. 8, 2003 7:00 PM ( our next Booster club meeting). If money and permission slip are not turned in by deadline you will need to pay full price for your ticket at the park, which is $39.99 + tax. We will not accept money with out a permission slip or permission slip without money. We must have both by Sept. 8, 2003.
I __________________________certify that ____________________________has permission to attend the Six Flags outing on Sat. Sept. 27, 2003. I understand may cadet is responsible for transportation, parking and purchasing his/her own food. I understand my cadet will not have constant adult supervision and North Cobb High School, Harrison High School, North Cobb / Harrison Booster Club and all chaperons are not responsible for any injuries. I understand my cadet is responsible for his/her own actions.
Signature of Parent or Guardian _________________________________
_____I have sold 5 Entertainment books to receive 1 free ticket.
_____tickets for $12.00 (Booster Club members only)
_____tickets for $24.00
_____I have a season pass and have permission to attend
If you have not paid your Booster Club due and would like to you can enclose with permission slip. Dues are $30.00 per semester or $50.00 per year. Please make checks payable to North Cobb / Harrison NJROTC Booster Club.
______ Total amount enclosed
Money and form can be mailed to:
Janet DePooter
NJROTC Booster Club Treasurer
3344 English Oaks Drive NW
Kennesaw, Ga. 30144
We have pictures of our 2003 annual inspection on our pictures page.